Your Personal Health Assistant

Designed to help you ask questions related to health, set achievable goals, and connect you with real specialists for personalized support.


Free 7-day Trial


No credit card required


Accepts cryptocurrency


Health Bot is an intelligent program designed to assist users with health-related inquiries, providing personalized responses and guidance based on the information provided by the user.

User Verification

User Verification

The Health Bot on Telegram requires user verification for secure access.

Health Related Questions

Health Related Questions

Users ask health questions, and the bot responds by asking follow-ups for accurate answers.

Information Storage

Information Storage

The bot stores user-provided data for personalized interactions and health journey tracking.

Handling Recurring Issues

Handling Recurring Issues

The bot checks past conversations for similar health issues and tailors responses accordingly.

Preventive Features

Preventive Features

The Health Bot offers reminders for check-ups, vaccinations, and lifestyle recommendations.

Blood Report Analysis

Blood Report Analysis

The bot suggests nearby doctors for blood report analysis and facilitates appointments.

Referral to Healthcare Professionals

Referral to Healthcare Professionals

If issues persist, the bot prompts users to seek medical attention nearby.

Subscribe to HealthBot

Healthcoin ($HLTC)

HealthCoin is our native token, it’s not just a digital assets; it’s a gateway to a wealth of value and rewards within the HealthBot ecosystem. Through its versatile utilities, $HLTC holders are positioned to gain substantial benefits such as empowering users with tokens to access premium, specialized consultations, and exclusive services within the platform, while creating a symbiotic relationship between tokens holders and the platform



The burning mechanisms embedded within HLTC contribute to its scarcity and value appreciation. Regular token burns not only reduce the total supply but also drive a deflationary model, making each HLTC more valuable over time



HLTC holders can maximize their holdings by staking their tokens for varying durations. The longer the staking period, the higher the rewards, offering incentives for long-term commitment. Additionally, large HLTC holders are rewarded with extra incentives, fostering a supportive environment for significant contributors



HLTC holders enjoy exclusive perks, including discount on services and access to a special deals, enhancing the overall utility of the token. Moreover, token holders have diverse opportunities to earn more HLTC through engaging in social activities, participating in quest, and contributing to advocacy programs.


No tax

No tax

Not mintable

Not mintable



Healthcoin (HLTC)

Token Name



600,000,000 $HLTC

Maximum Token Supply



Q4 2023

  • Research and Planning
  • Define the scope, features, and target audience for the health bot.
  • Choose suitable blockchain platforms and protocols for integrating web3 functionality.
  • Design User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)
  • Design wireframes and mockups for the Telegram health bot interface.
  • Creation of POC

Q1 2024

  • Build a prototype version of the health bot for internal testing.
  • HealthBot Airdrop campaign
  • Fund Raising and Token Listing on Exchanges CEX and DEX to increase token liquidity and accessibility.
  • Staking pool

Q2 2024

  • Integration with various Health APIs for data verification
  • Integrate the health bot with the Telegram API , Asure AIP for seamless communication with users.
  • Implement security measures such as encryption and access control to protect user data.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations such as HIPAA or GDPR.
  • Beta testing for MVC

Q3 2024

  • Bot Beta launch
  • Marketing and promotional campaigns
  • HealthBot Mainnet

Q4 2024

  • Gather user analytics and feedback
  • Release updates and new features based on user needs and market trends.
  • Maintain and support the health bot to ensure reliability and scalability.

Token Utilities



  • 10% of total token burn for 2 years (Quarterly burn)
  • 10% of total token burn through the Bot transaction (a certain percentage of tokens will be burnt when a user subscribe and use the Bot)


Starts at 1 $HLTC

  • Duration: 3, 6, 12 months
  • Rewards: 10%, 20%, 30% APY
Holder Benefit

Holder Benefit

  • 10%-20% discount on Bot services
  • Additional 5% staking rewards for all seed/private buyers holding at least 100k HLTC
Community Incentives

Community Incentives

  • HLTC rewards through social activities
  • Quest-to earn campaigns
  • Ambassadors program

Why Choose Us?